Follow-up Comment #13, bug #57506 (project groff): I wanted to find out why the position of the diaeresis was so different between Tinos and Libertine, given that the Z files were identical and the font entries are similar, both have a zero width. So, it must be something different in the type 1 fonts themselves, below are the disassembled glyph definitions from both fonts.
TinosI u0308 0,632,0,136,136 2 1384 uni0308 /uni0308 { 205 0 hsbw 555 1231 rmoveto 288 callsubr -356 hmoveto 87 callsubr endchar } ND LibertineI u0308 0,620,0,83,271,75 2 2004 uni0308 /uni0308 { -451 0 hsbw 1174 vmoveto 136 callsubr 328 hmoveto 129 callsubr endchar } ND Notice the left side bearing in the Libertine font is negative compared to the Tinos version, I think this is the reason Libertine gets it right. Interestingly, if I use the original Tinos ttf font in libreoffice, it gets the position of the diaeresis spot on. TrueType fonts allow little scripts within the font to be called before a glyph is stroked, so I suspect this is what is happening to correct the glyph position. Of course, when fontforge converts the font to type 1, any scriptlets in the font get dropped. What a good reason for gropdf to support otf/ttf fonts natively!! hsbw sbx wx hsbw (13) sets the left sidebearing point at (sbx, 0) and sets the character width vector to (wx, 0) in character space. This command also sets the current point to (sbx, 0), but does not place the point in the character path. Use rmoveto for the first point in the path. The name hsbw stands for horizontal sidebearing and width; hor- izontal indicates that the y component of both the sidebearing and width is 0. Either sbw or hsbw must be used once as the first command in a character outline definition. It must be used only once. In non-marking characters, such as the space character, the left sidebearing point should be (0, 0). And now for something completely different... Assuming you have called your Libertine font family "Lib", try this:- echo "\fI\s'200'\v'200p'\N[2364]" | ./test-groff -Tpdf -fLib -ms > T.pdf Surprised he hasn't an italic lean! _______________________________________________________ Reply to this item at: <> _______________________________________________ Message sent via Savannah