URL: <https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?64189>
Summary: [PATCH] [me] for -me developers, document @ register Group: GNU roff Submitter: barx Submitted: Sat 13 May 2023 09:38:15 PM CDT Category: Macro me Severity: 1 - Wish Item Group: Documentation Status: None Privacy: Public Assigned to: None Open/Closed: Open Discussion Lock: Any Planned Release: None _______________________________________________________ Follow-up Comments: ------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat 13 May 2023 09:38:15 PM CDT By: Dave <barx> The -me macro package has an undocumented register, @, that the user can set to specify a debugging level. This is probably only useful to -me developers, so it makes sense that this wouldn't be documented in the user-facing -me documents doc/meref.me.in and doc/meintro.me.in. But it ought to be mentioned in developer-facing -me documentation--which at present really only consists of minimal comments in tmac/e.tmac itself. (And it is, sort of--but buried in the middle of the file, and without explanation.) Thus the attached patch adds a few lines of comments about the register, next to other general comments about the macro file at the top of the file. Open questions: * I think it's important to say that the register must be set before the package is loaded, but the instructions in this patch about _how_ might be overexplaining to a developer. * Someone more ambitious than me could figure out if each of the numbers 2 through 5 represents some specific category of debugging info that is output, and document that as well. * If people think this capability is useful to ordinary -me users as well, then this should be placed in the user-facing documentation instead of in the source code. _______________________________________________________ File Attachments: ------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat 13 May 2023 09:38:15 PM CDT Name: 64189.patch Size: 827B By: barx <http://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/download.php?file_id=54740> _______________________________________________________ Reply to this item at: <https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?64189> _______________________________________________ Message sent via Savannah https://savannah.gnu.org/