
                 Summary: Problems with fonts with no /space glyph and no
hyphen glyph
                   Group: GNU roff
               Submitter: deri
               Submitted: Thu 04 May 2023 12:10:56 AM UTC
                Category: Macro man
                Severity: 2 - Minor
              Item Group: Incorrect behaviour
                  Status: None
                 Privacy: Public
             Assigned to: None
             Open/Closed: Open
         Discussion Lock: Any
         Planned Release: None


Follow-up Comments:

Date: Thu 04 May 2023 12:10:56 AM UTC By: Deri James <deri>
Some fonts (CJK) don't have a space glyph defined, and afmtodit can't add a
spacewidth directive to the troff font, and you have no way of knowing you
needed to add a -w flag until after the font is installed and troff starts
complaining, even though the output is fine.

Not having the hyphen glyph is weird, each time you run with the man macro
(and possibly others), you get this message:-

troff:/home/derij/groff-git/groff/build/../tmac/an.tmac:1512: warning:
character '-' not defined

This is because some devices have a hyphen in their name, so code such as

.  if '\*[.T]'X75-12' \
.    nr S 12
.  if '\*[.T]'X100-12' \
.    nr S 12

Triggers the warning! Perhaps a judicious use of \f(TR and \fP would fix?

I found these minor issues when developing the UTF-16 bookmark support for
gropdf. See attached Japanese man page.

File Attachments:

Date: Thu 04 May 2023 12:10:56 AM UTC  Name: groff.7.pdf  Size: 428KiB   By:



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