Pádraig Brady wrote:
> BTW I see a similar report at https://github.com/coreutils/gnulib/pull/16
> where wget-1.25.0 is failing to compile similarly on 
> (Centos7.9/Amd64/glibc-2.17/gcc-14.1)
> Note this is also gcc 14, but the conflict is with the internal 
> _Static_assert() macro.
If it were a problem with gnulib's assert_h.m4, it would affect gcc 13 just
like gcc 14. But building with gcc 13 on CentOS 7 (using the binaries from [1])
works for me:
  - Your coreutils snapshot builds fine.
  - wget 1.25.0 has only compilation errors due to missing <zlib.h>.

That reporter obviously has built his gcc 14 binaries himself, and probably
has done a misconfiguration while doing so.


[1] https://github.com/tttapa/toolchains/releases/tag/0.1.2

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