Kristoffer Brånemyr <> writes:

> Which CRC version did you plan to put into gnulib by the way? There
> are many different polynomials in use. CRC32 and CRC32C for instance
> use different polynomials. I don't remember which polynomial the
> routine in cksum used, but I think it was CRC32, but I seem to
> remember there was something special with the polynomial that forced
> you byteswap the data.

The current one came from use in Kerberos originally, but it seems gzip
uses the same (possibly with some byteswapping).  I suppose different
polynomials require different tables?  Not sure how many tables we want
to add in the code -- this is actually more motivation for having
multiple modules a'la 'crc-slice-by-8', 'crc32c', 'crc32c-slice-by-8'
that enables different part of the code, if anyone has needs for
optimized versions of the different flavors.  There is some code
overlap, I guess, but having tables for all flavors may be excessive.


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