That sounds good. It looks like there some subtle differences anyway, the
gzip version does everything bit reversed, and while the intel paper has
constants for that there are some logic things that would have to change
(take hiword then loword instead of loword then hiword etc)

On Mon, Oct 14, 2024, 19:05 Pádraig Brady <> wrote:

> On 14/10/2024 15:53, Sam Russell wrote:
> >  > For reference, coreutils' cksum uses slice by 8 unconditionally since:
> >  > <
> >
> > perfect, we could just copy this across then? is there a reason gnulib
> wouldn't just include coreutils as a dependency?
> It might be best to copy/adjust the coreutils code across to gnulib,
> then coreutils could be adjusted to use the gnulib routines.
> The crc code is under the same licence in gnulib and coreutils, so there
> should be no issue.
> cheers,
> Pádraig

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