Michele Locati wrote:
> > These 28 failures are because you don't have an 'iconv' library installed.
> > See gnulib/DEPENDENCIES (search for 'libiconv').
> I initially installed the Cygwin package named "libiconv-devel" when I
> encountered those errors.
> Then I tried adding the package named "libiconv," but I still
> experienced the same errors.

That's because the Cygwin package named 'libiconv-devel' contains
the Cygwin binaries. What you need are the mingw binaries, which
you have to compile yourself (since they are not packaged [1][2]).


[1] https://cygwin.com/packages/package_list.html
[2] https://cygwin.com/cgit/cygwin-packages/

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