Bruno Haible <> writes:

> Hi José,
>> In GNU poke we use the gendocs gnulib module.  We also customize our
>> doc/gendocs_template, which is committed in our VCS.
>> This leads to the situation where each time we run `bootstrap', it
>> copies the unmodified gendocs_template over to our tree, overwritting
>> the customized version.
>> What would be the best way to fix this?  Is there a way to tell
>> bootstrap that a particular file is customized/modified so please do not
>> overwrite it?
> Two solutions come to mind:
> A) In bootstrap.conf, in the bootstrap_epilogue() function, add a statement
>    that reverts the changes, assuming the developer is working from a git
>    checkout:
>      git diff doc/gendocs_template | patch -p1 -R
> B) Prevent the changes in the first place, by using a modified module
>    description of the 'gendocs' module. See the "Extending Gnulib" chapter
>    [1] for the general mechanism.
>    Concretely, probably what you need is:
>      - Define gl_local_dir in bootstrap.conf:
>          gl_local_dir='gnulib-local'
>      - Add a file gnulib-local/modules/gendocs.diff
>        which is a diff between the original gnulib/modules/gendocs
>        and the one which you want (namely, which has the file
>        'doc/gendocs_template' removed).
>      - Commit this file in git.

C) Patch the gendocs_template file during ./bootstrap with a local
*.diff file, for example:

By putting the *.diff in the same path as the gnulib source_base you
don't need any changes to bootstrap.conf, for reference:

This doesn't work for removing files installed by ./bootstrap, but for
that I suggest a simple 'rm' in bootstrap.conf instead of a custom local
module definition.


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