On 2024-05-12 12:50, Bruno Haible wrote:

Your real goal, which is — AFAIU — to allow distros to discard part
or all of the tarball and to redo the packaging work done by the release
manager in a different way, would be better served with a
   1) machine-readable file,
   2) somewhere in or in the vicinity of the tarball.

Although that's a good goal to have (see below), it's reasonably ambitious. For example, the tool lists we've been mentioning are incomplete, partly due to indirect dependencies (no glibc?) and partly not (no coreutils?) and it will be a pain to complete them (no firmware IDs? no motherboard or CPU IDs? you get the picture...). So I suspect that having an intermediate goal could be worthwhile.

In other words, if you really want to go this way — against the advice that
I gave you above —, better replace the two lines with:

   This release is based on the inetutils git, available at
   commit 524d4b6934db12b9f43be410d2f201fdb40cfc97, also labelled v1.42.

This is good advice. It's similar to wording I use in announcements of TZDB distributions (e.g., <https://mm.icann.org/pipermail/tz-announce/2024-February/000081.html>).

For what it's worth, those TZDB announcements have always intended to be human readable but various downstream projects parse the text and grab checksums and signatures and whatnot. The pull of automation is indeed strong, and your advice about going for automation is good.

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