On Sun, Mar 29, 2020 at 5:00 AM Jeffrey Walton <noloa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It looks like test-bitrotate.c is missing test cases. It is missing
> the 32-bit rotl and rotr of 0-bits.
> The 0-bit rotate should tickle undefined behavior.
> If you want to clear the undefined behavior, then use this code. It is
> recognized by Clang, GCC, ICC. It will be compiled down to a single
> instruction on platforms like IA-32. I can find the mailing list
> messages for a citation, if needed.

Cleared on the bit rotate branch at

The patch is attached.

diff --git a/lib/bitrotate.h b/lib/bitrotate.h
index 59827e274..cafa1d99e 100644
--- a/lib/bitrotate.h
+++ b/lib/bitrotate.h
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
    along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
 /* Written by Simon Josefsson <si...@josefsson.org>, 2008. */
+/* Updated for 128-bit types by Jeffrey Walton <noloa...@gmail.com>, 2020 */
 #ifndef _GL_BITROTATE_H
 #define _GL_BITROTATE_H
@@ -33,40 +34,40 @@ _GL_INLINE_HEADER_BEGIN
 #ifdef UINT64_MAX
 /* Given an unsigned 64-bit argument X, return the value corresponding
-   to rotating the bits N steps to the left.  N must be between 1 and
+   to rotating the bits N steps to the left.  N must be between 0 and
    63 inclusive. */
 rotl64 (uint64_t x, int n)
-  return ((x << n) | (x >> (64 - n))) & UINT64_MAX;
+  return ((x << n) | (x >> (-n&63)));
 /* Given an unsigned 64-bit argument X, return the value corresponding
-   to rotating the bits N steps to the right.  N must be between 1 to
+   to rotating the bits N steps to the right.  N must be between 0 to
    63 inclusive.*/
 rotr64 (uint64_t x, int n)
-  return ((x >> n) | (x << (64 - n))) & UINT64_MAX;
+  return ((x >> n) | (x << (-n&63)));
 /* Given an unsigned 32-bit argument X, return the value corresponding
-   to rotating the bits N steps to the left.  N must be between 1 and
+   to rotating the bits N steps to the left.  N must be between 0 and
    31 inclusive. */
 rotl32 (uint32_t x, int n)
-  return ((x << n) | (x >> (32 - n))) & UINT32_MAX;
+  return ((x << n) | (x >> (-n&31)));
 /* Given an unsigned 32-bit argument X, return the value corresponding
-   to rotating the bits N steps to the right.  N must be between 1 to
+   to rotating the bits N steps to the right.  N must be between 0 to
    31 inclusive.*/
 rotr32 (uint32_t x, int n)
-  return ((x >> n) | (x << (32 - n))) & UINT32_MAX;
+  return ((x >> n) | (x << (-n&31)));
 /* Given a size_t argument X, return the value corresponding
@@ -75,7 +76,8 @@ rotr32 (uint32_t x, int n)
 rotl_sz (size_t x, int n)
-  return ((x << n) | (x >> ((CHAR_BIT * sizeof x) - n))) & SIZE_MAX;
+  enum {mask = (CHAR_BIT * sizeof x) -1};
+  return ((x << n) | (x >> (-n&mask)));
 /* Given a size_t argument X, return the value corresponding
@@ -84,54 +86,68 @@ rotl_sz (size_t x, int n)
 rotr_sz (size_t x, int n)
-  return ((x >> n) | (x << ((CHAR_BIT * sizeof x) - n))) & SIZE_MAX;
+  enum {mask = (CHAR_BIT * sizeof x) -1};
+  return ((x >> n) | (x << (-n&mask)));
 /* Given an unsigned 16-bit argument X, return the value corresponding
-   to rotating the bits N steps to the left.  N must be between 1 to
-   15 inclusive, but on most relevant targets N can also be 0 and 16
-   because 'int' is at least 32 bits and the arguments must widen
-   before shifting. */
+   to rotating the bits N steps to the left.  N must be between 0 to
+   15 inclusive. */
 rotl16 (uint16_t x, int n)
-  return (((unsigned int) x << n) | ((unsigned int) x >> (16 - n)))
-         & UINT16_MAX;
+  return ((x << n) | (x >> (-n&15)));
 /* Given an unsigned 16-bit argument X, return the value corresponding
-   to rotating the bits N steps to the right.  N must be in 1 to 15
-   inclusive, but on most relevant targets N can also be 0 and 16
-   because 'int' is at least 32 bits and the arguments must widen
-   before shifting. */
+   to rotating the bits N steps to the right.  N must be between 0 to
+   to 15 inclusive. */
 rotr16 (uint16_t x, int n)
-  return (((unsigned int) x >> n) | ((unsigned int) x << (16 - n)))
-         & UINT16_MAX;
+  return ((x >> n) | (x << (-n&15)));
 /* Given an unsigned 8-bit argument X, return the value corresponding
-   to rotating the bits N steps to the left.  N must be between 1 to 7
-   inclusive, but on most relevant targets N can also be 0 and 8
-   because 'int' is at least 32 bits and the arguments must widen
-   before shifting. */
+   to rotating the bits N steps to the left.  N must be between 0 to 7
+   inclusive. */
 rotl8 (uint8_t x, int n)
-  return (((unsigned int) x << n) | ((unsigned int) x >> (8 - n))) & UINT8_MAX;
+  return ((x << n) | (x >> (-n&7)));
 /* Given an unsigned 8-bit argument X, return the value corresponding
-   to rotating the bits N steps to the right.  N must be in 1 to 7
-   inclusive, but on most relevant targets N can also be 0 and 8
-   because 'int' is at least 32 bits and the arguments must widen
-   before shifting. */
+   to rotating the bits N steps to the right.  N must be between 0 to 7
+   inclusive. */
 rotr8 (uint8_t x, int n)
-  return (((unsigned int) x >> n) | ((unsigned int) x << (8 - n))) & UINT8_MAX;
+  return ((x >> n) | (x << (-n&7)));
+/* Some GCC, Clang, ICC and XLC support 128-bit integers.       */
+/* https://gcc.gnu.org/legacy-ml/gcc-help/2015-08/msg00185.html */
+#if __SIZEOF_INT128__ >= 16
+/* Given an unsigned 128-bit argument X, return the value corresponding
+   to rotating the bits N steps to the left.  N must be between 0 to 127
+   inclusive. */
+rotl128 (__uint128_t x, int n)
+  return ((x << n) | (x >> (-n&127)));
+/* Given an unsigned 128-bit argument X, return the value corresponding
+   to rotating the bits N steps to the right.  N must be between 0 to 127
+   inclusive. */
+rotr128 (__uint128_t x, int n)
+  return ((x >> n) | (x << (-n&127)));
diff --git a/tests/test-bitrotate.c b/tests/test-bitrotate.c
index 0007d1c33..8e0346af5 100644
--- a/tests/test-bitrotate.c
+++ b/tests/test-bitrotate.c
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
    along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
 /* Written by Simon Josefsson <si...@josefsson.org>, 2008.  */
+/* Updated for 128-bit types by Jeffrey Walton <noloa...@gmail.com>, 2020 */
 #include <config.h>
@@ -81,6 +82,7 @@ main (void)
   ASSERT (rotr16 (43981, 15) == 22427);
   ASSERT (rotr16 (43981, 16) == 43981);
+  ASSERT (rotl32 (2309737967U, 0) == 2309737967U);
   ASSERT (rotl32 (2309737967U, 1) == 324508639U);
   ASSERT (rotl32 (2309737967U, 2) == 649017278U);
   ASSERT (rotl32 (2309737967U, 3) == 1298034556U);
@@ -113,6 +115,7 @@ main (void)
   ASSERT (rotl32 (2309737967U, 30) == 3798659963U);
   ASSERT (rotl32 (2309737967U, 31) == 3302352631U);
+  ASSERT (rotr32 (2309737967U, 0) == 2309737967U);
   ASSERT (rotr32 (2309737967U, 1) == 3302352631lU);
   ASSERT (rotr32 (2309737967U, 2) == 3798659963lU);
   ASSERT (rotr32 (2309737967U, 3) == 4046813629lU);
@@ -146,6 +149,7 @@ main (void)
   ASSERT (rotr32 (2309737967U, 31) == 324508639lU);
 #ifdef UINT64_MAX
+  ASSERT (rotl64 (16045690984503098046ULL, 0) == 16045690984503098046ULL);
   ASSERT (rotl64 (16045690984503098046ULL, 1) == 13644637895296644477ULL);
   ASSERT (rotl64 (16045690984503098046ULL, 2) == 8842531716883737339ULL);
   ASSERT (rotl64 (16045690984503098046ULL, 3) == 17685063433767474678ULL);
@@ -210,6 +214,7 @@ main (void)
   ASSERT (rotl64 (16045690984503098046ULL, 62) == 13234794782980550319ULL);
   ASSERT (rotl64 (16045690984503098046ULL, 63) == 8022845492251549023ULL);
+  ASSERT (rotr64 (16045690984503098046ULL, 0) == 16045690984503098046ULL);
   ASSERT (rotr64 (16045690984503098046ULL, 1) == 8022845492251549023ULL);
   ASSERT (rotr64 (16045690984503098046ULL, 2) == 13234794782980550319ULL);
   ASSERT (rotr64 (16045690984503098046ULL, 3) == 15840769428345050967ULL);
@@ -275,5 +280,27 @@ main (void)
   ASSERT (rotr64 (16045690984503098046ULL, 63) == 13644637895296644477ULL);
 #endif /* UINT64_MAX */
+  /* Hack ahead because GCC does not provide a way to initialize uint128_t */
+  /* https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/_005f_005fint128.html              */
+  #if __SIZEOF_INT128__ >= 16
+  {
+    const __uint128_t v  = (((__uint128_t)(0xffffffffffffffffULL)) << 64) | 0x00ffffffffffff00ULL;
+    const __uint128_t xl = v;
+    const __uint128_t xr = v;
+    ASSERT (rotl128 (v, 0) == xl);
+    ASSERT (rotr128 (v, 0) == xr);
+  }
+  {
+    const __uint128_t v  = (((__uint128_t)(0xffffffffffffffffULL)) << 64) | 0x00ffffffffffff00ULL;
+    const __uint128_t xl = (((__uint128_t)(0xffffffffffffff00ULL)) << 64) | 0xffffffffffff00ffULL;
+    const __uint128_t xr = (((__uint128_t)(0x00ffffffffffffffULL)) << 64) | 0xff00ffffffffffffULL;
+    ASSERT (rotl128 (v, 8) == xl);
+    ASSERT (rotr128 (v, 8) == xr);
+  }
+  #endif
   return 0;

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