Hi Akim,

How about the following patches:

* In timevar.c: Include timevar.h first. This is a Gnulib best practice, which
  has the benefit of verifying that the header file is self-contained.

* In timevar.def:
  - The DEFTIMEVAR invocation must NOT be followed by a semicolon, otherwise
    you'll get a syntax error in the enum definition.
  - Enum values are not positive integers. The first enum value is 0.
  - What is the difference between a "character string" and a "string"?
  - The statement that the timing table is printed in the given order
    contradicts the comment in timevar.h.

* In timevar.h:
  - Better talk about the program or the application, not the "compiler".
  - It is pointless to omit the parameter names from the function declarations
    if the comments talk about TIMEVAR, ELAPSED, FP, etc.

* In the module description:
  Are you subscribed to bug-gnulib? If not, you should be listed as the
  maintainer of the modules, so that people CC you when they have questions
  or patches about it.

diff --git a/lib/timevar.c b/lib/timevar.c
index 0578816..a2d2433 100644
--- a/lib/timevar.c
+++ b/lib/timevar.c
@@ -20,6 +20,9 @@
 #include <config.h>
+/* Specification.  */
+#include "timevar.h"
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <string.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
@@ -101,8 +104,6 @@ static float clocks_to_msec;
-#include "timevar.h"
 /* See timevar.h for an explanation of timing variables.  */
 int timevar_enabled = 0;
diff --git a/lib/timevar.def b/lib/timevar.def
index e5cc3ff..d640b30 100644
--- a/lib/timevar.def
+++ b/lib/timevar.def
@@ -24,21 +24,21 @@
-     DEFTIMEVAR (Id, Name);
+     DEFTIMEVAR (Id, Name)
    - Id is the value used to identify the timing variable.
-     It's an enum value, i.e., behaves like a positive integer.
+     It's an enum value, i.e., behaves like a nonnegative integer.
      It is used only the manipulate the timer: the user of the
      program will never see this identifier.
-   - Name is a character string describing its purpose.  This string
+   - Name is a string describing its purpose.  This string
      will be presented to the user in the timing tables.  It does not
      need to be a literal, you may for instance use gettext.
    The order of this list matters: that is the order in which the
-   timing table is printed.
+   timing table is printed, except that 'tv_total' is printed last.
 /* The total execution time.  Mandatory.  */
diff --git a/lib/timevar.h b/lib/timevar.h
index a3c4e86..d67b9da 100644
--- a/lib/timevar.h
+++ b/lib/timevar.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* Timing variables for measuring compiler performance.
+/* Timing variables for measuring application performance.
    Copyright (C) 2000, 2002, 2004, 2009-2015, 2018 Free Software
    Foundation, Inc.
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 #define _TIMEVAR_H
 /* Timing variables are used to measure elapsed time in various
-   portions of the compiler.  Each measures elapsed user, system, and
+   portions of the application.  Each measures elapsed user, system, and
    wall-clock time, as appropriate to and supported by the host
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ void timevar_init (void);
    TIMEVAR cannot be running as a standalone timer.  */
-void timevar_push (timevar_id_t);
+void timevar_push (timevar_id_t /*timevar*/);
 /* Pop the topmost timing variable element off the timing stack.  The
    popped variable must be TIMEVAR.  Elapsed time since the that
@@ -94,28 +94,29 @@ void timevar_push (timevar_id_t);
    stack when the element above it was popped off, is credited to that
    timing variable.  */
-void timevar_pop (timevar_id_t);
+void timevar_pop (timevar_id_t /*timevar*/);
 /* Start timing TIMEVAR independently of the timing stack.  Elapsed
    time until timevar_stop is called for the same timing variable is
    attributed to TIMEVAR.  */
-void timevar_start (timevar_id_t);
+void timevar_start (timevar_id_t /*timevar*/);
 /* Stop timing TIMEVAR.  Time elapsed since timevar_start was called
    is attributed to it.  */
-void timevar_stop (timevar_id_t);
+void timevar_stop (timevar_id_t /*timevar*/);
 /* Fill the elapsed time for TIMEVAR into ELAPSED.  Returns
    update-to-date information even if TIMEVAR is currently running.  */
-void timevar_get (timevar_id_t, struct timevar_time_def *);
+void timevar_get (timevar_id_t /*timevar*/, struct timevar_time_def * 
 /* Summarize timing variables to FP.  The timing variable TV_TOTAL has
    a special meaning -- it's considered to be the total elapsed time,
    for normalizing the others, and is displayed last.  */
-void timevar_print (FILE *);
+void timevar_print (FILE * /*fp*/);
 /* Set to to nonzero to enable timing variables.  */
 extern int timevar_enabled;
diff --git a/modules/timevar b/modules/timevar
index 81a74b0..fdbbd6b 100644
--- a/modules/timevar
+++ b/modules/timevar
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ Description:
 A simple self-profiling module based on timers.
@@ -21,4 +21,4 @@ License:
+Akim Demaille <akim.demai...@gmail.com>

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