Solved. On Tue, Jul 31, 2018 at 9:42 AM Bruce Korb <> wrote: > OK, if I hand link the files gnulib/lib/stdio-{read,write}.c to lib/. > I get further, but that raises the question of "Why is that not done > by gnulib-tool?" > > Anyway, with that by-hand intervention, I get to this:
The messages that followed were a consequence of extra -I options that were added to solve problems caused by the two stdio files not having been installed in lib. SUMMARY: My best guess is that there were module dependency changes. Likely, I directly depended on a module that was indirectly depended upon by another. That other was listed, but when its dependencies changed, my build got broken. I do not know how hard it would be to construct a gnulib wrapper around autoreconf that could check for missing gnulib stuff, but it'd have made my life easier. Basically, "tee(1)" the output into a temp file and, on error. search through it for gl_[A-Z]* macro failures and for missing files that live in gnulib/lib. I'd get "a round tuit" late this fall, if it'd be received.