Pádraig Brady <p...@draigbrady.com> skribis:

> The speed of md5 and sha* hashes has lagged a bit in gnulib.
> So to address that and to take advantage of the architecture
> specific assembly used in libcrypto, the attached gnulib patch
> allows projects to configure --with-openssl to use that if
> available or fall back to the existing internal routines.

Any idea how libcrypto compares to what libgcrypt and Nettle provide?

Nettle has fine-tuned assembly implementations of various hash functions
(e.g., <http://git.lysator.liu.se/nettle/nettle/trees/master/x86_64>);
libgcrypt seems to have fewer of them currently (see

It would be ideal if Coreutils could push these GNU packages.


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