$ ../gnulib/build-aux/gnupload --to ftp.gnu.org:sharutils sharutils-4.13.3.tar.xz ../gnulib/build-aux/gnupload: Reading configuration file .gnuploadrc Enter GPG passphrase: Signing sharutils-4.13.3.tar.xz ... Uploading sharutils-4.13.3.tar.xz to ftp.gnu.org:sharutils ... sharutils-4.13.3.tar.xz: 939.65 kB 76.84 kB/s sharutils-4.13.3.tar.xz.sig: 198.00 B 793.45 B/s sharutils-4.13.3.tar.xz.directive.asc: 348.00 B 1.35 kB/s Uploading sharutils-4.13.3.tar.xz to ftp.gnu.org:sharutils ... ncftpput sharutils-4.13.3.tar.xz: server said: Could not create file. ncftpput sharutils-4.13.3.tar.xz.sig: server said: Could not create file. ncftpput sharutils-4.13.3.tar.xz.directive.asc: server said: Could not create file.
It worked with this command line for sharutils-4.13.3.tar.gz http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/sharutils/?C=M;O=D What is the difference?