On 06/12/2012 05:21 AM, Paolo Bonzini wrote:
> Il 08/06/2012 12:19, Pedro Alves ha scritto:
>>>> Have you any plans to address these problems? In particular, it does
>>>> seem odd to place a burden on libc authors of porting gnulib to it,
>>>> rather than just not supporting those functions which require
>>>> non-standard APIs on such libc's.
>> I've heard such rants as well.  The rants are IMO, misdirected.  For 
>> instance,
>> IIRC, gnulib's freadahead use is caused by musl's printf not being posix
>> compliant, causing gnulib to pull in its printf replacement, which doesn't 
>> work
>> on musl.  A library that is new, actively maintained, and that calls itself
>> a "C/POSIX standard library" should really address that by making it's printf
>> posix compliant, so that gnulib's fallback doesn't even get built.  It seems 
>> that
>> nobody who is interested in musl has looked at gnulib's config.log to 
>> understand
>> why does gnulib think musl's printf is not good enough.
> While I agree with this, perhaps we can follow the suggestion and
> replace "if (freadahead (f))" with "if (freading(f) && !feof(f))" in
> closein.c.

freading() is just as much an extension as freadahead(), but it might be
an easier extension to implement.

Eric Blake   ebl...@redhat.com    +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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