On 06/08/2012 02:20 PM, Bruce Korb wrote:
> This gets included by NTP and they need a more liberal license:

>  lib/parse-duration.c   |   14 +++++++-------
>  lib/parse-duration.h   |    8 ++++----

These hunks are not needed.  We prefer to leave 'lib' at the latest
license, and it is your use of 'gnulib-tool --lgpl' that will rewrite
things on the fly as appropriate when importing into NTP.

>  modules/parse-duration |    2 +-

This hunk is sufficient, but only if we either have agreement from all
non-trivial contributors on making the change to the license, or
permission from the FSF.  Based on 'git log', it looks like you need
consent from Paul, Jim, Bruno, and Ralf as the set of all contributors
besides yourself (although some of those contributions were trivial)
before making this change.

Eric Blake   ebl...@redhat.com    +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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