which says The source files always say "GPL", but the real license specification is in the module description file. .. which is highly anomalous. I'm not aware of any other project anywhere which deliberately puts incomplete licensing in the source files. (Thankfully.) As I recall, this situation came about to placate projects which were using gnulib without using gnulib-tool, notably coreutils and others that Paul E and Jim M were working on. In the years since then, all those projects (to my knowledge) have started using gnulib-tool. Even if there is still a gnulib-using project or two not using gnulib-tool, clarifying the issue of "what's the real copyright" for once and for all seems much more important to me. Especially for gnulib, which is otherwise so pedantically careful about everything. So how about normalizing gnulib to have the actual license in the source files? k