Michael Stone wrote:

> On Fri, Sep 16, 2011 at 06:54:32PM +0200, Jim Meyering wrote:
>>Michael Stone wrote:
>>> This one was actually in gnulib; what's the best way to pursue it?
>>> FAIL: test-getcwd (exit: 16)
>>> ============================
>>Hi Michael,
>>Thanks for the report.
>>I'll Cc bug-gnulib, but to start with, note that test-getcwd.c's main
>>does this:
>>  return test_abort_bug () + test_long_name ();
>>and the first can return 0 or 2,3,4 or 5, while
>>the latter can return only two values smaller than 16:
>>10 and 11.
> or 4 & 12, or am I missing something?

No.  I missed the 12.

> at the point where it sets
> fail=12, AT_FDCWD is -100 and errno is 2 (ENOENT)

Then maybe your system has problems with long names?
What is errno when getcwd returns NULL here?

  /* If libc has the bug in question, this invocation of getcwd
     results in a failed assertion.  */
  cwd = getcwd (NULL, 0);
  if (cwd == NULL)
    fail = 4; /* getcwd didn't assert, but it failed for a long name
                 where the answer could have been learned.  */

Can you tell me how to reproduce this?

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