On 07/30/2010 09:58 AM, Rainer Tammer wrote:
> Not quite... but it's getting better...
> Test "0xg" case is fixed.

Thanks for the positive feedback - we're getting closer.

> # ./test-strtod
> test-strtod.c:435: assertion failed
>   {
>     const char input[] = "0xp";
>     char *ptr;
>     double result;
>     errno = 0;
>     result = strtod (input, &ptr);
>     ASSERT (result == 0.0);
>     ASSERT (!signbit (result));
>     ASSERT (ptr == input + 1);  <-  fail
>     ASSERT (errno == 0);
>   }
> (dbx) print ptr
> ""
> (dbx) print *ptr
> '\0'
> (dbx) print input
> "0xp"

Ouch.  That's a new one - no other system has had that particular bug.
There has to be digits between the x and p for it to be a valid floating
hex constant.  And since it is returning input+3, it bypasses our checks
for end <= input + 2.

I'll work up another fix ;)

The others in between are signs of the same problem.

> test-strtod.c:762: assertion failed
>   {
>     const char input[] = "0x1p";
>     char *ptr;
>     double result;
>     errno = 0;
>     result = strtod (input, &ptr);
>     ASSERT (result == 1.0); 
>     ASSERT (ptr == input + 3);  <- fail
>     ASSERT (errno == 0);
>   }

And yet another problem, but I'm guessing here as I don't have your
debugger output.  I'm guessing it parsed "0x1p" instead of "0x1" - the p
must not be parsed if there is no exponent.

Eric Blake   ebl...@redhat.com    +1-801-349-2682
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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