On 06/10/2010 07:22 AM, Callahan, Patrick M. wrote:
>     if ((errno == ENOSYS || errno == EOPNOTSUPP)
>     ...
> You could get in a debugger and determine where
> to add "|| errno == 252" to solve what appears to be
> an HP-UX-and/or-cvfs-specific problem.
> However, such a change is not appropriate for others,
> and I doubt it will be worthwhile to attempt an
> upstream workaround.
> [>> Agree. Appreciate the response. Restores my faith in humanity when
> [>> I have to spend a lot of times with vendors whose only interest
> [>> seems to be to separate me from as much as my budget as they can
> [>> get.

Can you confirm Pádraig's google analysis that 252 is ENOTSUP on your
platform?  If we have a symbolic name, then we can patch the code quite
easily.  We can also patch the gnulib strerror and perror to detect the
failure to handle ENOTSUP gracefully.

Eric Blake   ebl...@redhat.com    +1-801-349-2682
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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