On 05/04/2010 09:21 AM, Peter Seebach wrote:
> In message <87r5lr51hh....@meyering.net>, Jim Meyering writes:
>> Can you simply declare the copyright to be LGPLv2+?
>> Many modules are already LGPLv2+ (see modules/*).
> I could if I were just releasing the code myself, but if the FSF needs
> a copyright assignment, does that not imply that I no longer get to
> choose the copyright?

As original author, you get to choose the license that will be used
within gnulib.  I see nothing wrong with you declaring that the
setproctitle module is LGPLv2+.

Eric Blake   ebl...@redhat.com    +1-801-349-2682
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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