On 04/20/2010 02:16 AM, Dagobert Michelsen wrote:
> Here is a rationaly of why OpenCSW has an additional getopt.h:
> The /opt/csw/include/getopt.h is actually from libgnugetopt. It is needed
> for some packages without getopt_long detection during autoconfigure to
> compile on Solaris, as Solaris does not have getopt_long natively. The
> source
> was taken from
>   http://distfiles.macports.org/libgnugetopt/
> Unfortunately I was unable to find a real upstream site with bugtracking
> etc.

Huh - I suppose that we could consider gnulib to be the current upstream
of a porting effort for getopt to other platforms.  And if that is the
case, then creating an updated libgnugetopt might be as simple as:

gnulib-tool --create-testdir --dir=libgnugetopt getopt-gnu

>>> if you use autoconf 2.64 (prior to that, if the existence and
>>> compilation checks disagree, autoconf went with the existence check).
>> We are using autoconf 2.65.

Then I'm confused how /opt/csw/include/getopt.h is getting included at
all in the first place.  What does config.log say about getopt?

>> I updated gnulib to 2f3175, but the failure remains the same for bison.
>> Is there any more information we can provide?
> Thanks for your efforts!

I guess I'll have to try logging on to the Solaris machine again, and
this time going for the full bison compile rather than just the minimal
gnulib test.

Eric Blake   ebl...@redhat.com    +1-801-349-2682
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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