And the reason that I would _like_ to have printf(1) added to the list of portable tools is because of the number of non-portable shell scripts that are currently using 'echo -n', which is doomed to failure in some shells, instead of printf because printf was not listed in the permitted tools.
About that, echo -n was and never will be portable, have to go through the tests of -n vs. \c, etc. I doubt that's news to anyone here :). I seem to recall that we've already given up on explicitly testing other things lacking in SunOS 4, though the specifics elude me. In any event, I suspect that anyone using such an ancient system *and* installing a brand-new version of package foo that uses printf in its autoconfery would also have installed coreutils (or at least sh-utils), and therefore will have printf after all. So I'm not seeing a strong argument against this. Barring objections, I'll send it on to rms ... except I'll be offline until next Tuesday, so don't expect anything before next week. Thanks, Karl