> +# Don't use Texinfo @acronym{} as it is not a good idea.
   > +sc_texinfo_acronym:
   > +  @grep -nE '@acronym{'                                           \
   > +      $$($(VC_LIST_EXCEPT) | grep -E '\.texi$$') &&               \
   > +    { echo '$(ME): found use of Texinfo @acronym{}' 1>&2;         \
   > +      exit 1; } || :

   This hangs for non-GNU projects, like libvirt, that have no .texi
   documentation.  We really need to make progress on the patch to refactor
   maint.mk rules per Jose's ideas:
   which would conveniently fix this rule in the process.

Wow! I have been delaying that for one month!  Ok, now it is my
priority task for this weekend :)

I am splitting the patch following your suggestions.  I will send them

Jose E. Marchesi  <jema...@gnu.org>
GNU Project       http://www.gnu.org

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