20.03.2010 15:00, Eric Blake пишет:
> [writing to undisclosed-recipients makes it hard to guess where you
> wanted the reply to go to]
> On 03/19/2010 09:52 AM, Aleksey Avdeev wrote:
>>   Ability to explicitly disable the use git when calling bootstrap will
>> exclude recourse to third-party resources for assembly rpm package. What,
>> in particular, significantly simplify the preparation of packages to build
>> on git.alt
>> (see <http://en.altlinux.org/Git.alt_reference#Building_packages_with_gear>).
>>   The patch in my repository:
>> <http://git.altlinux.org/people/solo/public/?p=gnulib.git;a=commit;h=8741ad8a412b2aa9f7a4e3fc69902c12a6ed9d69>.
>>   Background: see <https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=562743>.
> So if I understand correctly, you are trying to re-bootstrap libvirt
> rather than using a tarball which has already been bootstrapped, but in
> the process, you don't want to use git.  Why?  From an rpm perspective,
> it seems like you should have no need to rerun bootstrap - use the
> existing tarball which has already been bootstrapped.  Without a solid
> reasoning why it is desirable to rerun bootstrap without having the full
> compliment of developer tools available, I don't see what this patch
> buys you.

  I need to allow the assembly of a fixed commit repository. Without any
uploads in the build process: the code sent to the assembly no longer be
updated. (In terms of off-line installation packages for all distributions.)

  If you build packages using gnulib see two options:

1. Run bootstrap hands and git commit its result. (This option is used
in libvirt earlier, see

a) the operation is performed manually, although it is well-automated;

b) As a result we have the technical commit large diff (see

c) as the author of changes in files embedded gnulib fixed man carried
out the git commit, though he only copied the files gnulib.git to a new
location (in your working repository) ...

2. Assign the bootstrap the build system, set it in spec and fixing the
desired commit gnulib.git (and connecting it via git merge-s ours). Then
for rpmbuild it will be another tar (not git repository) with source
code that contains the correct version of gnulib. This is the version I
now use in libvirt (see
And it is for his support, I propose this patch to you (and
<https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=562743> for libvirt).


С уважением. Алексей.

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