On Wed, Dec 30, 2009 at 2:42 PM, Boris Moskalev
<bmoska...@rocketsoftware.com> wrote:
> Hello, James
> Dont know did you got my previous email.
> I took findutils version 4.4.2. On z/OS running USS (UNIX system service) 
> where I try to compile findutils.
> I attach arhiv with file config.log with some results. Can you tell me 
> something about it? Exactly what I have to do with next message:
> checking whether it is possible to resort to fread on /etc/mnttab... no

In order to support -fstype the find program has to know how to map
device numbers (in struct stat) to filesytem type names.   Findutils
uses a function from the gnulib library to achieve this.  The source
for the message you are seeing is the file m4/ls-mntd-fs.m4 within
gnulib (I'm copying the gnulib mailing list on this email).  So it
seems that gnulib doesn't know yet how to read the list of mounted
filesystems on z/OS.   Making that enhancement to gnulib shoud fix
this problem for findutils (and also any other users of the same code,
including no doubt coreutils).

As for how to proceed, I would suggest that you go find out how to
read the list of mounted fileststems on z/OS and try to deduce how the
m4/ls-mntd-fs.m4 file might need to be changed.

> configure: error: could not determine how to read list of mounted file systems
> Thanks, Boris

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