announce-gen is lovley, but it is very inflexible if you use a
different format for NEWS.

In inetutils, we use something like:

| December 27, 2008
| Version 1.6:
| * Fixed FOO in BAR.
| * Added BAZ.
| October 21, 2006
| Version 1.5:
| ...

I am not sure what a way one should fix announce-gen to be more
flexible, maybe just being able to specify a `start' regexp, and a
`end' regexp would be enough.  So in the above example, we could use
something like:

 --start-regexp="^Version " --end-regexp="^$"

Or maybe just a switch to skip looking at NEWS, and add a `FIXME: Add
noteworthy changes here' where the news entries go.

Alas, I don't know enough perl to hack announce-gen.

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