Hi Sam,

> gnulib/gnulib-tool --import --source-base=src/gllib \
>               --m4-base=src/glm4 --aux-dir=src/build-aux --no-changelog \
>               stdint stdbool regex fnmatch-gnu havelib gettext localcharset \
>               uniwidth/width streq uniname/uniname unitypes link-follow
> gnulib/gnulib-tool: line 1512: echo: write error: Broken pipe

Can you please show
  - line 1512 of your copy of gnulib-tool? (The newest one reads
      inmodules=`echo "$handledmodules" | LC_ALL=C join -v 2 - 
    and it looks improbable that 'join' would terminate before it has consumed
    all its input.)
  - Your OS version,
  - the shell you are using (most probably: echo $BASH_VERSION).



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