> Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2008 19:45:45 -0500
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Karl Berry)
> Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED], bug-gnulib@gnu.org, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>     <tt>&lt;bug-gnulib<span style="display:none">-nospam</span>&#64;
>     <span style="display:none">nospam.</span>gnu.org&gt;</tt>
> Thanks.  This seems pretty reasonable (and easy to implement) to me.
> Eli, why do you object to it so strongly?

I don't object to it strongly, I just don't want us to lose a
feature.  Every time we make our lives harder because of spam, we let
spammers win.

>     Just not by default, please (if at all).
> I don't want to make it an option, that would be the most pain of all.
> Either in or out.

Then I vote for out.

Of course, my opinion should not matter much, given the feeble state
of my contributions lately.  So feel free to override it, if I'm the
only one.

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