This is due to the line #print-this-article, #gplv3-dogear, .netscape4, #sidebar, #navigation-bar, #fsflinks, #gnulogo, #dbdlogo, #links, #translations, #searcher{display: none !important;} in gnu-print.css.
Matt Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, the chief GNU webmaster these days, wrote that css line (it's not anything specific to I have no idea what it's supposed to do. Can you propose a change to him, or at least report the problem? Could makeinfo handle the case of a node called 'index' better? I know of no feasible way to do so, due to case-insensitive filesystems. Sorry. As an ugly workaround, how about naming the node index(), as a special case? On the other hand, the 1200-subsection-long section seems rather excessive, not to mention making the toc incredibly long. Could it be organized by module (or something) instead of function? Most developers nowadays don't commit generated files into their version control system. But some do. Like me. The reason is simple: it's a big pain to track down bugs when every contributor has a different version of gnulib files. Chacun son gout ... Therefore gnulib-tool puts them into .cvsignore and .gitignore. My gnulib *.c, *.m4, files, etc., were not jput into .cvsignore. And I was glad about that. Or maybe I edited them out and it didn't recreate them. I hope the same will be true for .gitignore. Karl