Bruno Haible <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A git question:
> In
> you wrote:
>> When one branch (your topic branch) is private, you *can* rebase, and thus
>> avoid the merge.
>> ...
>> That's the whole point of rebasing.
>> rebasing is essentially adjusting your deltas so that they apply
>> with no fuzz, and no conflicts, to the latest version of the
>> parent branch.
> It seems that when I do that, I have to do each conflict resolution twice.
> Not sure I'm doing everything right.
> Here's what I did:
>   - Created some modifications to the ChangeLog and other files.

First off, it's best to make local changes on a branch,
and to commit them there.

>   - Did "git pull". It told me:

Then (everything is committed), you switch to the trunk and pull
(update from public repo) from there:

  git checkout master
  git pull

then go back to your branch and use git-rebase to make your branch
change set(s) apply cleanly to the new tip of the trunk:

  git checkout branch-B
  git rebase master

The rebase is where you'll resolve any conflicts.

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