
Bruno Haible <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Yoann Vandoorselaere wrote:
>> don't you think this could be a show stopper to early GnuLib adopters?
> No, I don't think so. Projects which have been using already cannot have
> missed the long thread here; projects which will adopt it in the future
> will see that there is no problem with the first few modules they need,
> and later on, they will ask.

Well, precisely, I've been considering the idea of using Gnulib in Guile
for some time and am willing to take action soon.  The issue is that
Guile is still under LGPLv2.1+; when it switches to another licence,
that licence will likely be LGPLv2.5[*] rather than LGPLv3.

I don't yet have a precise list of the modules that we'll need, but can
we reasonably assume that Gnulib will accommodate our needs?


[*] From what I know, LGPLv2.5 will be equivalent to "GPLv2 or LGPLv3".

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