On 29 Dec 2006 19:33:29 +0100, Gabriel Dos Reis
"Daniel Berlin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


| In fact, what they told me was that since they made their change  in
| 1991, they have had *1* person who  reported a program that didn't
| work.

And GCC made the change recently and got yy reports.  That might say
something about both compilers user base.  Or not.

Right, because the way we should figure out what the majority our
users want is to listen to 3 people on a developer list instead of
looking through the means we give users to give feedback, which is
through bug reports.
We've gotten a total of about 10 reports at last count, in the many
years we've been optimizing this.

Please, feel free to ignore those that don't find the transformations
appropriate, they are just free software written by vocal minority.

Wow Gaby, this sure is useful evidence, thanks for providing it.

I'm sure no matter what argument i come up with, you'll just explain it away.
The reality is the majority of our users seem to care more about
whether they have to write "typename" in front of certain declarations
than they do about signed integer overflow.

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