Paul Eggert wrote:
> If you look at the context of those lines in getgroups.c and
> group-member.c, you'll see that those lines are OK.  (So I'm afraid
> the "sinner" is whoever's in charge of the rest.  :-)

Yes. But in the group-member.c case, a macro that invokes xnmalloc would
simplify your code as well.

> partly, as I recall, because I'm not a big fan of function-like
> macros that can't be implemented as functions.

Yes, and also because by convention we use uppercase names for macros which
are not function-like, and they make the source look weird.

> Instead of changing xalloc.h, you could write this:
>   struct foobartype *r = xnrealloc (r = NULL, 3, sizeof *r);

Funny :-) But it relies on assignments inside a function argument...

> XALLOC_WITH_EXPRESSION seems a bit tricky, since the expression
> argument is evaluated in C++ but not in C.

This can be fixed. See appended prototype.

> I suppose the simplest thing to do would be to add what you're calling

Yes, I would prefer the XALLOC_WITH_TYPE macro over XALLOC_WITH_EXPRESSION

    gbuf = XNMALLOC (n, GETGROUPS_T);

is more explicit than

    gbuf = XNMALLOC (n, *gbuf);

(And, remember, we have strict type checking: if the type argument of
XNMALLOC is wrong, the C compiler will give a warning, and the C++ compiler
will give an error.)

> Something like this:
> #define XNMALLOC(n, t) ((t *) xnmalloc (n, sizeof (t)))
> #define XCALLOC(n, t)  ((t *) xcalloc  (n, sizeof (t)))

Yes, this looks good. I'll use these names.

> This isn't right for an arbitrary C type name 't' due to C's bizarre
> syntax for type names.

It works for the most important types: 'char', typedef'ed names,
'struct something', and pointers to such types. It doesn't need to work
for function pointers, because it's rare to use function pointers as array
element type without a typedef.


#include <stdlib.h>
extern void * xmalloc (size_t n);
extern void * xnmalloc (size_t n, size_t s);

#define XALLOC_WITH_TYPE(N,TYPE) (TYPE *) xnmalloc (N, sizeof (TYPE))

#ifdef __cplusplus
#define XALLOC_WITH_EXPRESSION(N,EXPR) xalloc_with_expression (N, &(EXPR))
template <typename T>
  inline T * xalloc_with_expression (size_t n, const T * expr)
    return (T *) xnmalloc (n, sizeof (T));
#define XALLOC_WITH_EXPRESSION(N,EXPR) xnmalloc (N, sizeof (EXPR))

struct foo { int x; char y; };

struct foo * bar1 ()
  return XALLOC_WITH_TYPE (3, struct foo);

struct foo * bar2 (struct foo *p)
  return XALLOC_WITH_EXPRESSION (3, *p);

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