Paul Eggert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes in response to my comments
earlier today about a test failure of m4-1.4.7 that was traced to a
deficient snprintf() library function that was added locally because
that function is absent from the vendor libraries:

>> ...
>> > It looks like I have to go looking again for a better free
>> > implementation of snprintf(), sigh...
>> That may be needed for other packages, but as far as I know it
>> shouldn't be needed for gnulib-using packages like GNU M4; it should
>> work fine on hosts that lack snprintf entirely.
>> Could you please try building GNU M4 on your host without using any
>> locally-installed libraries?  It's supposed to work.
>> ...

I've just created some new config files for my automated build process
that drop the specification of the local library for snprintf(), and
did builds of m4-1.4.7 with both cc and with gcc; all tests were
successful, and I've installed the cc build.

It is nice that m4 is able to adapt to a missing snprintf() (my own
packages do this too, by falling back to the unsafe sprintf()).

- Nelson H. F. Beebe                    Tel: +1 801 581 5254                  -
- University of Utah                    FAX: +1 801 581 4148                  -
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