Mind if I install the attached patch on top of this?

2006-07-19  Derek R. Price  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

        * gnulib.texi (Libtool and Windows): Eliminate passive voice.
        Correct grammar.

Simon Josefsson wrote:
> I installed this new section in the manual.
> /Simon
> 1.11 Libtool and Windows
> ========================
> If you want it to be possible to cross-compile your program to MinGW
> and you use Libtool, you need to put:
>    in your `configure.ac'.
>    The effect of this is that the names of the `OBJDUMP', `DLLTOOL',
> and `AS' tools are set up correct.
>    If you are building a library, you will also need to pass
> `-no-undefined' to make sure Libtool produce a DLL for your library.
>>From a `Makefile.am':
>      libgsasl_la_LDFLAGS += -no-undefined

Derek R. Price
CVS Solutions Architect
Get CVS support at Ximbiot <http://ximbiot.com>!
v: +1 248.835.1260
f: +1 248.835.1263
Index: doc/gnulib.texi
RCS file: /cvsroot/gnulib/gnulib/doc/gnulib.texi,v
retrieving revision 1.25
diff -u -p -r1.25 gnulib.texi
--- doc/gnulib.texi     14 Jul 2006 09:32:13 -0000      1.25
+++ doc/gnulib.texi     19 Jul 2006 15:15:41 -0000
@@ -338,13 +338,11 @@ and you use Libtool, you need to put:
 @end example
-in your @file{configure.ac}.
-The effect of this is that the names of the @code{OBJDUMP},
[EMAIL PROTECTED], and @code{AS} tools are set up correct.
+in your @file{configure.ac}.  This sets the correct names for the
[EMAIL PROTECTED], @code{DLLTOOL}, and @code{AS} tools for the build.
 If you are building a library, you will also need to pass
[EMAIL PROTECTED] to make sure Libtool produce a DLL for your
[EMAIL PROTECTED] to make sure Libtool produces a DLL for your
 library.  From a @file{Makefile.am}:

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