Paul Eggert wrote:
> However, I just checked the translations for coreutils and got the
> following depressing statistics.
> Coreutils has 36 translations.
> ...
>   2 translate both to the empty string.  Ouch!:
>     no pt

If the PO file contains
    msgstr ""
it actually means untranslated.

> 7 out of 34 is not a very good batting average.

Maybe you could improve the handling when the translator didn't provide
a translation? if (translation == msgid)...
Currently the code returns

   (s == clocale_quoting_style ? "\"" : "`" or "'")

If you improved this to test the locale_charset () for being "UTF-8",
users would see the UTF-8 quotation marks even if translators didn't help.
(Similar to what you did for the (C) sign years ago.)


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