Le jeudi 17 avril 2014 à 11:36 -0400, Bob Eby a écrit :
> It's invoking undefined behavior in C.  It causes debug assert in
> Visual Studio 2010 running in debug mode.
> The "mem" parameter is missing, likely it was a copy paste-error from
> the duplicate code in: eprintf_program_ident().
> C:\Users\reby\Downloads\gnu-ghostscript-9.06.0_original>findstr -siprn
> epfm*( *.c
> base\gsmisc.c:198:        epf((revision_number ? "%s " : "%s"), program_name);
> base\gsmisc.c:202:            epf("%d.%02d.%d", (int)(revision_number
> / 10000 % 100),
> base\gsmisc.c:205:        epf(": ");
> base\gsmisc.c:214:        epfm(mem, (revision_number ? "%s " : "%s"),
> program_name);
> base\gsmisc.c:218:            epfm("%d.%02d.%d", (int)(revision_number
> / 10000 % 100),

Thanks a lot for pointing me to this line, a copy/paste error as you
said above. The bug will be solved for the next release.

I've never seen a problem before, maybe this function is only used in a
library context. The base code is from the GPL Ghostscript version
developped by Artifex Software, Inc.

> base\gsmisc.c:221:        epfm(mem, ": ");
> base\gsmisc.c:228:    epf("%s(%d): ", file, line);
> base\gsmisc.c:234:    epf("%s(?): ", file);
> > What is exactly your problem ?
> Your mama.

She's fine thank you!

Best regards and happy printing with ghostscript !


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