Le 08/04/2014 15:58, Bob Eby a écrit : > Hi Everyone,
Hi Bob, > > I've been testing with AGPL Ghostscript and thought I'd give the GNU GPL > version a try. Unfortunately I'm having trouble building verison 9.06 > successfully on Windows 7 64-bit. Why do you use an old version of AGPL Ghostscript, the last one is 9.14 ? > > I notice a change in the ChangeLog from 2007: > > 2007-05-08 Didier Link <did...@famille-link.fr > <mailto:did...@famille-link.fr>> > * src/version.mak: removed because is functionnalities was transfered > > And yet many files (particularly windows mak files) seem to be riddled > with references to it. I have introduced the content of version.mak in the configure script directly and tested the GNU plateform only for compiling the GNU version. I've certainly broken the others plateforms by not removing the "include version.mak" from all others mak files. If you find the good line in the mak file for your build and simply remove the include maybe you're lucky and the build can continue and finish ? ;) > > How do I build the latest GNU Ghostscript on Windows? > > ----example CLI---- > C:\Users\*****\Downloads\gnu-ghostscript-9.06.0>nmake /f psi/msvc64.mak > DEVSTUDIO= > > Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 10.00.30319.01 > Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. > > .\psi\msvc.mak(459) : fatal error U1052: file '.\base\version.mak' not found > Stop. > ----end example CLI---- > > Thanks, > Bob > Sorry for that but GNU versions are tested on GNU plateform in priority, from others plateforms you're the first one to report this problem ! Thanks ! And, you know, you're on the mailing list of the AGPL version, the GNU one use the savannah forge for bug reports etc. Thanks for your testing, always interesting to have results from others ! Best regards Didier Link GNU Ghostscript maintainer