* configure.ac: Use PKG_CHECK_MODULE instead of ad hoc code
 configure.ac |   70 ++++------------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 66 deletions(-)

diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index e22b86a..2c1435a 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -537,76 +537,14 @@ AC_SUBST(UFST_ROOT)
 AC_ARG_ENABLE([freetype], AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-freetype],
         [Disable freetype for font rasterization]))
 if test x"$enable_freetype" != xno; then
-  AC_MSG_CHECKING([for local freetype library source])
-  dnl We prefer freetype2 over freetype, so it is easy to override
-  dnl the included freetype source with a checkout from upstream.
-  for dir in freetype2 freetype; do
-    if test -f $dir/src/base/ftbbox.c; then
-        AC_MSG_RESULT(yes)
-        SHARE_FT=0
-        FTSRCDIR="$dir"
-        FT_CFLAGS="-I$dir/include"
-        FT_BRIDGE=1
-        break;
-    fi
-  done
-  if test -z $FTSRCDIR; then
-    AC_MSG_RESULT([no])
-    if test "x$PKGCONFIG" != x; then
-        AC_MSG_CHECKING(for system freetype2 >= 2.4.2 with pkg-config)
-            # pkg-config needs the libtool version, which != the freetype2 
version <sigh!>
-            # There is a table of corresponding ft2<->libtool numbers in 
-            if $PKGCONFIG --atleast-version=12.0.6 freetype2; then
-                AC_MSG_RESULT(yes)
-                FT_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS `$PKGCONFIG --cflags freetype2`"
-                FT_LIBS="`$PKGCONFIG --libs freetype2`"
-                FT_BRIDGE=1
-                SHARE_FT=1
-            else
-                AC_MSG_RESULT(no)
-                AC_MSG_WARN([freetype library source not found...using native 
-                AFS=1
-            fi
-    else        
-        AC_CHECK_HEADER([ft2build.h], [FT_BRIDGE=1], [AFS=1])
-        if test "x$FT_BRIDGE" = x1; then
-          AC_CHECK_LIB(freetype, FT_Init_FreeType,
-            [FT_BRIDGE=1], [FT_BRIDGE=0; AFS=1])
-          if test "x$FT_BRIDGE" = x1; then
-            AC_MSG_CHECKING(for system freetype2 library >= 2.4.2)
-            AC_COMPILE_IFELSE(
-              [AC_LANG_PROGRAM([#include "ft2build.h"
-              #include FT_FREETYPE_H], [
-                 #if FREETYPE_MAJOR < 2
-                   FAIL
-                 #endif
-                 #if FREETYPE_MINOR < 4
-                   FAIL
-                 #endif
-                 #if FREETYPE_PATCH < 2
-                   FAIL
-                 #endif
-                 return(0);
-              ])],
-              [FT_BRIDGE=1;AC_MSG_RESULT(yes)], [FT_BRIDGE=0; 
-          fi
-        fi
-    fi
-  fi
+  PKG_CHECK_MODULES([FT], [freetype2 >= 2.4.2], 
+                         [FT_BRIDGE=1; SHARE_FT=1; AFS=0], [true])

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