Hello, is it possible to remove the followring entry http://www.mail-archive.com/bug-ghostscript@gnu.org/msg03754.html from the Database? Can you describe to me how this entry could occur in the database?
Best regards Sebastian Klähn [cid:image001.jpg@01CD7A04.397E78A0] [cid:image002.gif@01CD7A04.397E78A0] Büro-Bedarf-Balke GmbH Am Knick 10-16, 22113 Oststeinbek Telefon 040 / 713 08 178 Telefax 040 / 713 08 124 www.balke-hamburg.de<http://www.balke-hamburg.de/> Amtsgericht Lübeck HRB 2618 RE GF Kirsten Haller UstID DE118643059
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