Hi there! I am trying to get ghostscript running on HP-UX 11.00 I got source from Internet, gnu-ghostscript-8.71.1, zlib-1.2.5, libpng-1.5.2 and jpegsrc.v8c All but gnu-ghostscript were OK to build libs from. When running command make in gnu-ghostscript, makefile = base/unixansi.mak it will not do anything but complaining: "Make macro expansion too big. Stop." Does this mean that it cannot be built on this platform? or is there a workaround for this fatal limitation? Hoping for an answer. /r
Roland Andersson ÅF-Infrastruktur AB Frösundaleden 2 A, Solna, SE-169 99 Stockholm Sweden Telephone: +46 (0)10 505 00 00 | Direkt: +46 (0)10 505 41 83 | Mobil: + 46 (0)70 287 95 07 | Fax: +46 (0)8 650 58 77 e-post: roland.anders...@afconsult.com<mailto:roland.anders...@afconsult.com> | http://www.afconsult.com<http://www.afconsult.com/>