Hi all, I'm pleased to announce the availability of a test release of the gnu-gs 8.71.0 package. Ftp links to the packages on alpha.gnu.org: ftp://alpha.gnu.org/gnu/ghostscript/gnu-ghostscript- ftp://alpha.gnu.org/gnu/ghostscript/gnu-ghostscript- A lot of changes are available for security reason, all described in the NEWS file. Thanks to Richard Stallman and Markus Steinborn (gnu gv maintainer) to help me in this task. A new configure option is available for enabled the ghostscript's SAFER mode by default. This change is only available in the GNU version. Thanks for your attention and happy testing. Best regards. Didier Link gnu-gs maintainer - - -- Didier Link <did...@famille-link.fr> Jabber : didier_l...@jabber.fr Web : http://www.famille-link.fr/ -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2.0.16 (GNU/Linux) iEYEARECAAYFAkxWicwACgkQkyPwinW6ye4ahQCfYi3oRJxbXTenxU+oonZEfrEC 4EEAnRmcXcnwGtdLaQdhJaJ4GEb2XgbD =1Igs -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----