
Didier LINK write:

I see the point ... I will investigate before release (finally) a new GNU
GPL V3 version of ghostscript.

Below an updated link list regarding this bug and related bugs in ghostscript:



and https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=599564

Bug 7 can be resolved by the attached patch (backported from Upstream revision 

Bug 8 can be resolved by making "SEARCH_HERE_FIRST=0" the default (this is an option 
to make (upstream)".

Bug 9 can be resolved by cherrypicking commit 11351 from upstream.

Please note that there are discussions making -dSAFER the default or not. No 
solution for this available. If you decide to make -dSAFER the default, can you 
send me the patch you needed for making that?


Markus Steinborn
GNU gv maintainer

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