I'm wondering why there is no such device as xml-write for
Ghostscript? Such a device would make integration of different
applications easier. Every application which can output to a printer
could become a source of data for informational systems.  This
solution would work with any program that can print, even if it does
not have a plugin-engine.  Just imagine that the user could add some
information to system as easy as printing a document on a printer! For
example, filling a database through printing from spreadsheet software
would be available even for not-experienced users.
There are some projects that already use ghostscript in this way - for
example so-called "pdf-printers" which can save the output of any
application to PDF format. But this usage is very limited, because it
is hard to implement post-processing of this data. On other hand
XML-format would make this post-processing easy.
So, such a device as xml-write can take using of ghostscript up to the
new level - as an integration layer between applications.

I have written a prototype of such a device. I have to say that I
can't finish it, because developer documentation is extremely
incomplete and imperfect. Researching sources is very hard task
because of the amount of files (more than thousand, omg!). Also there
is no simple example device that can demonstrate how to write devices
(except for "gdevtrac", but it is not complete). Frankly, existing
sources seem fully mess to me, and I'm in doubt if I can manage to
make it out without qualified help.
I think if we manage to finish this device, it can be used to
demonstrate how to create other devices. I think it will be easy
enough for everyone to understand.

You can take sources of my xml-write device prototype here:
Sources are not well written but they demonstrate the idea. I don't
mind if you use it.

 It would be great, if you could help me to make this device work
well, any help is welcome. If you have questions or suggestions please
write me to mikefilonov (at) gmail.com (jabber or email)


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