I'm sorry, but we had problems delivering your mail.
    The errors we encountered appear below. If you have any questions,
    contact the Cornell Postmaster as <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.
    Please include a copy of this message with your correspondence.

    The following addresses could not be found at all in our Directory.
    Please make sure you have the correct address.


    The following addreses each refer to more than one person in our
    directory. A list of all the people to whom these addresses might
    refer appears below. You should resend to your intended recipient
    using the address in the 'send_email_to:' field.
    If your intended recipient is not on the list, then the person is
    either not registered in the central directory or the address is

Here are the entries which match 'job'
        name: Johnson School Job Opportunities
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: jsjobs
        campus_phone: 607-255-9437
        campus_address: 212 Sage Hall
        project: Office e-mail

        name: Rural Sociology - IUSSP job applications
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: iussp_job
        project: To receive applications for jop openings wiht the IUSSP

        name: ILR Job Opportunities
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: ilrjobopps
        project: Used for correspondence between the ILR Job Opps coordinator 
and employers who submit job postings.

        name: Patrick Job Emuron Lorem
        department: Food Science

Here are the entries which match 'service'
        name: Natural Resource Agriculture and Engineering Service
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        nickname: NRAES
        callsign: nraes
        campus_phone: 607-255-7654
        campus_address: B-16 Morrison Hall

        name: Cornell University Emergency Medical Service
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        nickname: Cornell EMS or CUEMS
        callsign: cuems
        campus_phone: 607-255-9320
        campus_address: 201 201 Palm Rd
        project: FOR ALL EMERGENCIES DIAL 911

        name: Cornell News Service
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        nickname: News
        callsign: cunews
        campus_phone: 607-255-4206
        campus_address: Surge Fac III
        project: Cornell University News and Information

        name: EARS - Empathy, Assistance and Referral Service
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: ears

        name: Cornell Public Service Center
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: cupsc
        campus_phone: 607-255-1148
        campus_address: 200 Barnes Hall
        project: office e-mail

        name: Community Partnership Public Service Center
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: cpfb
        campus_phone: 607-255-3836
        campus_address: 200 Barnes Hall
        project: group e-mail

        name: Hughes Hall Service Center
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: hughessctr
        campus_phone: (607) 255-5367
        project: office e-mail

        name: Schuyler House Service Center
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: schuylersctr
        project: office e-mail

        name: EZ Remote Service
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        nickname: ez-remote
        callsign: ez-remote
        project: For EZ-Remote Billing Inquiries

        name: Endowed Colleges Service Team
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        nickname: e_team
        callsign: e_team
        campus_phone: 607-255-1999
        campus_address: G33 120 Maple Ave
        project: Information Technology Service Team

        name: State and Library Service Team
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: s_team
        campus_phone: 607-255-4555
        campus_address: 120 Maple Ave., rm G32
        project: Information Technology Service Teams

        name: Human Ecology Computing Services Group Service Desk
        callsign: he-csg-sd
        project: General computer service desk foy the College of Human 
Ecology.  This mailbox is intended to be the frontline contact for all e-mail 
to the CSG-SD.

        name: USDA Agricultural Research Service
        callsign: ars-ithaca
        project: To send and receive administrative e-mail for the program.

        name: Red Runner Courier Service
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        nickname: Red Runner
        callsign: redrunner
        campus_phone: 607-254-8293
        campus_address: 311 
        project: Speedy Deliveries

        name: Chemistry Research Computing Facility Service Request
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        nickname: crcf
        callsign: crcf
        campus_phone: 607-255-6278
        campus_address: 257 Baker Lab
        project: For Chemistry computing help requests

        name: CU Law Library Ariel Service
        callsign: lawariel
        project: Sending and receiving Ariel documents

        name: Optical Scanning Service
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        nickname: OpScan
        callsign: opscan
        campus_phone: 607-255-9636
        campus_address: B7 Day Hall
        project: Correspondence about the Optical Scanning Service

        name: College of Veterinary Medicine Community Practice Service
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: cvmcps
        campus_phone: 607-253-3010
        campus_address: C2 
        project: Email for university office

        name: Service Facilities Cost Accounting
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        nickname: uco
        callsign: uco-servfacility
        campus_address: 341 341 Pine Tree Rd
        project: Office Email

        name: Athletics Computer Support Service
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: acss
        project: Office Email

        name: Digital Reference Service
        callsign: digiref
        project: National project by the Library of Congress

        name: Credentaials Service
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: credentials
        project: Departmental e-mail

        name: Washington DC Service Trip
        callsign: dc_trip
        project: Office e-mail

        name: NYC Service Trip
        callsign: nyc_trip
        project: Office e-mail

        name: Boston Service Trip
        callsign: boston_trip
        project: Office e-mail

        name: Vet Technical Service
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: vettechserve
        project: Assist tech services in conducting bussiness for the Vet 

        name: Government Alter Current Awareness Service
        callsign: govalter
        project: Departmental e-mail

        name: CU Central File Service (CUFS)
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: cufs-service
        project: Departmental e-mail

        name: Customer Service - Facilities Management
        callsign: csc4request
        project: to process work requests

        name: Bear Hugs Birthday Cake Service
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: bearhugs
        project: E-mail for CU Dining service

        name: Sarah Marie Service
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

        name: Maplewood Park Service Center
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: mpwdsctr
        campus_phone: 607-255-9959
        campus_address: 201 Maple Ave. Maplewood Park

        name: Webmethods Production Service
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: webmethprod
        project: Service feedback

        name: Webmethods Test Service
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: webmethtest
        project: Service feedback

        name: Cornell Coop Extension News and Information Service
        callsign: cce_news_service
        project: Email for university department

        name: Hasbrouck Service Center
        callsign: hasbrouck-sc
        project: Office e-mail

        name: Pre-Orientation Service Training
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: post
        project: E-mail for PSC program to bring in new students early to work 
on community service projects.

        name: CIT Service Agreements
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: citsa
        project: Correspondence related to CIT Service Agreements

        name: CIT Customer Service and Marketing
        callsign: citcsm
        project: E-mail for CIT division.

        name: Service Learning Placement
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: serv2learn
        project: Office e-mail

        name: Collegetown Service Center
        callsign: ctsc
        project: E-mail for Cascadilla and Sheldon Hall service center.

        name: CALS Business Service Center
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: cals-bus-ctr
        project: This mailbox will be used to submit documents and requests to 
the CALs Business Service Center.

        name: Net Pay Customer Service
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        nickname: netpay
        callsign: netpay
        campus_phone: 607-255-6413
        campus_address: 260 Day Hall
        project: Net.pay customer service (Net.pay is the online bursar billing 
& payment system)

        name: Human Ecology Business Service Center
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: human_ecology_business
        project: Contact point for customers of the College of Human Ecology 
Business Service Center.

        name: University Business Service Center
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: ubsc
        project: contact the University Business Service Center.

        name: Public Service Center
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: pscpublicrelations
        project: Communcations with affiliate organization, including press 

        name: CU Library - MyDocumentDelivery Service
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: mydd
        campus_phone: 607-255-7754
        campus_address: Mann Library
        project: Customer support for the Cornell University MyDocumentDelivery 

        name: Cornell ResNET service lookup

        name: Cornell Community Practice Service
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: ccps
        project: Allow our clients e-mail access to cps services.

        name: Joel Service Cadbury
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        campus_phone: 607-273-8598
        campus_address: History Mc Graw Hall
        department: Cornell Cinema

        name: Arts & Sciences Admin. Service Center
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: arts-asc
        project: To receive e-mail for the College of Arts and Sciences 
Administrative Service Center

        name: Arts & Sciences Administrative Service Center Oversight Board
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: arts-osb
        project: To enable the Arts & Sciences Admin. Service Center Oversight 
Board to receive mail from members of the College community regarding the ASC.

        name: Engineering Dean\'s Office Finance Service Group
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: engindeansofficefsg
        project: The mailbox is intended for collegewide finance and accounting 
related questions.

        name: Facilities Customer Service Center Request
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: fcscrequest
        project: For all of campus to request a facilites ticket via email.  

        name: IT Security Service Request Queue
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: security-services
        project: Non-urgent requests for services offered by the IT Security 

        name: CIW service request
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: cwash-service-request
        project: service requests from tenants

        name: Position Web Service Tech Support
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: position-ws-support
        project: Used to report problems and issues with the Position Web 

Here are the entries which match 'm.bauer'
        name: Matthew David Bauer

        name: Madeline Amreich Bauer

        name: Kenneth M. Bauer
        department: Anthropology

        name: Jordan Adam Bauer Melcon

Here are the entries which match 'career'
        name: Hotel School Career Services
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: sha_cso
        campus_phone: 2558345
        campus_address: 255 Statler Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853
        project: office mailbox

        name: Engineering Career Services
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: eng-career
        project: dept e-mail

        name: Cornell Career Services
        nickname: career_services
        callsign: career_services
        project: Office e-mail

        name: Engineering Career Services
        callsign: eng-recruiters
        project: Departmental e-mail

        name: ALS Career Development Office Library & Internships
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: alscdo
        project: Email for department

        name: AAP Career Services
        callsign: aapcs
        campus_phone: 607-255-7696
        campus_address: B-1 Sibley Hall
        project: Feedback from students and alumni to the AAP Career Services.

        name: Veterinary Career Resource Center
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: vet_careers
        project: office e-mail

        name: Engineering Career Services
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: engr-career
        project: Office email

        name: Human Ecology Career Development Center
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: hecdc

        name: Johnson School Career Services Office
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: jscso

        name: Cornell Career Services Library
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: ccs-library
        project: Office e-mail

        name: Cornell Career Services Tech Support
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: ccstech
        campus_phone: 607-255-2585
        campus_address: 103 Barnes Hall

        name: Cornell Career Services Web Site Maintenence
        callsign: ccsweb
        campus_phone: 607-255-2585
        campus_address: 103 Barnes Hall

        name: ILR Career Services
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: ilrcareers
        project: Office e-mail

        name: Arts and Sciences Career Services
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: as_careers
        project: Office e-mail

        name: AAP Career Office
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: aapcareer
        project: Email for university office

        name: Cornell Career Services Recruiting
        callsign: ccs-recruiting
        project: E-mail for university office.

        name: Career Management Center at the Johnson School
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: jscmc
        project: Departmental e-mail

        name: Human Ecology Career Development
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: hecd
        project: To receive messages from current students, alumni, and 
prospective students regarding career development in Human Ecology

        name: ILR Social Justice Career Fair
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: sjcareerfair
        project: inform students and organizations about the ILR Social Justice 
Career Fair.

Here are the entries which match 'matt'
        name: Matthew Wilson Miller
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        nickname: Matt 
        campus_phone: 607-255-9085
        campus_address: 146a Plant Science
        department: Horticulture

        name: Matthew F. Tominey
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        nickname: Matt
        campus_phone: 607-254-4545
        campus_address: 420 Comp & Comm Ctr
        department: Center for Learnng and Teachng

        name: Matthew Kyle Feusner
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        nickname: Matt
        campus_address: 301 College Ave
        department: Communication
        project: HCI / eye tracking

        name: Matthew Ernest Bussard
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        nickname: matt
        campus_phone: 607-253-1558
        department: Arts and Sciences

        name: Matthew Robert Hatson
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        nickname: Matt
        department: Economics

        name: Matthew Scott Bendik
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        nickname: Matt
        campus_address: 4508 Dickson Hall

        name: Matthew Scott Sheinkopf
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        nickname: Matt
        department: Mechanical Engineering

        name: Matthew Almond Sochor
        nickname: Matt

        nickname: Matt
        campus_phone: 607-253-1816
        campus_address: 2209 Class Of 28 Hall
        department: Human Ecology - PAM

        name: Matthew James Thomas
        nickname: Matt

        name: Matthew Boone
        nickname: Matt
        campus_phone: 607-255-5208
        campus_address: 212 Gannett Health Center
        department: Gannett: Univ Health Services

        name: Matthew Bourke Lindsay
        nickname: Matt

        name: Matthew David Curler
        nickname: Matt
        campus_phone: 607-253-4848
        campus_address: 332B Mews Hall

        name: Matthew David Estersohn
        nickname: Matt
        campus_phone: 607-253-2530
        campus_address: 4658 Dickson Hall

        name: Matthew Patrick Hendrickson
        nickname: Matt

        name: Matthew William Korobkin
        nickname: Matt

        name: Robert Matthew Freeman
        nickname: Matt

        name: Matthew Makoto Ito
        nickname: Matt

        name: Matthew Robert Nulty
        nickname: Matt
        department: Rockland Cnty Coop Ext Assn

        name: Matthieu K. Stratton
        nickname: Matt
        campus_phone: 607-255-4114
        campus_address: 167E Olin Hall
        department: Engineering Dean

Here are the entries which match 'krishnan'
        name: Krishnan Narayan

        name: Krishnan  Eswaran

Here are the entries which match 'support'
        name: Arts & Sciences Dean's Administrative Computer Support
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: as_dcso
        campus_address: 356 Goldwin Smith Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853
        project: Arts & Sciences Web Site

        name: ASDT LAN Support
        callsign: asdt-lan-supp

        name: Academic Technology Center Course Support
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        nickname: atc_support
        callsign: atc_support
        campus_phone: 607-255-9760
        campus_address: 124 Comp & Comm Ctr
        project: Instructional Technology Support for Cornell

        name: ASC Tech Support
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        nickname: ASC tech support
        callsign: asctech
        campus_phone: 607-255-8867
        campus_address: 221 Day Hall
        project: Technical supprort questions to be handled by the 
Administrative Service Center

        name: Engineering Advising Support
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: eng_support
        campus_phone: 607-255-7414
        campus_address: 167 Olin Hall
        project: Engineering Advising e-mail

        name: PEDL Support and Help
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: pedl
        campus_address: East Hill Plaza
        project: Help mailbox for PEDL system (Position & Employee Data Lookup).

        name: Pet Loss Support Hotline
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: petloss
        project: Email for university service

        name: CU Reporting Support
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: cureporting
        project: Collection of feedback and problems from campus report users

        name: Haven - LGBTQ Student Support and Outreach
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: haven
        campus_phone: 607-255-0015
        campus_address: 210 Willard Straight
        project: Haven, Cornell's LGBTQ Umbrella Organization: programming, 
support, advocacy

        name: MOSAIC Support Group for Queer People of Color
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: mosaic
        campus_phone: 607-255-0015
        campus_address: 210 Willard Straight
        project: Mosaic - a social support group catering to the issues of 
same-gender loving People of Color

        name: Lesbian, Bisexual, and Questioning Women's Support Group
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: lbq_women
        campus_phone: 607-255-0015
        campus_address: 210 Willard Straight
        project: A Group for Lesbian, Bisexual and Questioning Women

        name: Athletics Computer Support Service
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: acss
        project: Office Email

        name: Warren Hall Technical Support
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        nickname: whtech
        callsign: whtech
        campus_phone: 607-255-8833
        campus_address: 01 Warren Hall
        project: Warren Hall Information Technology

        name: CIT Internal Support
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        nickname: cit tech support
        callsign: cit_support
        campus_phone: 607-254-1312
        campus_address: 136 120 Maple Ave
        project: Internal computer support for CIT staff

        name: CIT On-Site Support
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: on-site-support
        campus_phone: 607-255-8990
        campus_address: 119 Comp & Comm Ctr
        project: E-mail for CIT special service pilot project

        name: Campus Life Desktop Computer Support
        callsign: cl-support
        project: E-mail foa a desktop support group

        name: ResNet Database Support and Questions
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        nickname: ResNetDB
        callsign: resnet-mcp
        campus_phone: 607-255-0113
        campus_address: g40 120 Maple Ave
        project: Point of contact for external communication regarding ResNet 

        name: MBG Computing Support Requests
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: mbg_support_req
        project: PURPOSE central conduit for network, web, desktop, and related 
computing services

        name: New Student Programs and Student Support
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: nspss
        project: General questions regarding new student programs and student 

        name: Plant Biology Technical Support
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: pbtech
        campus_phone: 607-255-5670
        campus_address: 215 Plant Science
        project: Computer and Network Support for the Department of Plant 

        name: Cornell Career Services Tech Support
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: ccstech
        campus_phone: 607-255-2585
        campus_address: 103 Barnes Hall

        name: Center for Learning and Teaching Tech Support
        callsign: clt-tech
        project: Tech Support for CLT

        name: CyberTower Technical Support
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: cybertower-help
        project: User support helpline for CyberTower Project (alumni primary 

        name: Morrill Computer Support
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: ml_comp_supp
        project: Computer support requests from users in Morrill Hall

        name: Student and Academic Services Tech Support
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: sas-tech
        project: Tech support for depts in the Division of Student and Academic 

        name: WPG Support
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: wpg-support
        project: Support mailbox for Web Production Group

        name: S&O Systems Support Services
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: syssupsvcs
        project: Office e-mail

        name: Canary Software Support
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: canary
        project: Technical Support and information for 'Canary,' the Cornell 
Bioacoustics workstation program

        name: Raven Software Support
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: raven_support
        project: Support of the Raven sound analysis software, Cornell 
Bioacoustics Research

        name: LGBT Student Support and Outreach
        nickname: OUTreach, gay 
        callsign: men_outreach
        project: E-mail for gay, bisexual and questioning men's group.

        name: Agricultural Biotechnology Support Project II
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: absp2
        project: E-mail for project

        name: NCS Operation Support
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: ncs-os
        project: office e-mail

        name: CIT Systems Support Services
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: systems-support
        project: Requests for CIT Systems Support Services

        name: CALS A-V Support
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: calsav
        campus_phone: 607-255-6466
        campus_address: 147 Roberts Hall
        project: Audio-Visual Support for CALS classrooms

        name: AADS Support
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: aadssupport
        campus_address: 120 Maple Ave
        project: To receive requests and feedback for AADS group in 

        name: LDAP Backline Support
        callsign: ldapbackline
        project: Escalated LDAP issues

        name: Engineering Computer Support (S.S. & Admin.)
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: engrcompsupport
        campus_phone: 607-255-0966
        campus_address: 102E Hollister Hall
        project: Shared mailbox for network and computer related help for the 
Student Services and Dean's Admin staff

        name: Support personnel of WebMail
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: webmail-escalation
        project: To expedite escalation of webmail issues.

        name: Support personnel of CUFS
        callsign: cufs-escalation
        project: To expedite escalation of CUFS issues from CIT HelpDesk.

        name: Alumni House Troop Support
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: cuthrough
        project: Troop Support

        name: BIS DBA support
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: dba-support
        campus_phone: 607-254-1311
        campus_address: 120 Maple Ave
        project: Organization-based address to send requests for DBA support 
for administrative applications.

        name: Engineering Intranet Support
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: engr_intranet
        project: Technical support for Engineering Intranet

        name: Urban Bird Studies Technical Support
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: ubstechsupport
        project: To aid people using the Urban Bird Studies web site & the 
online data entry system.

        name: Network Billing Backline Support
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: nubb_support
        project: CIT Internal mailbox for NUBB application support.

        name: CyberTower Technical Support Backline
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: cybertower-backline
        project: This mailbox will be provided to CIT Helpdesk consultants to 
escalate difficult user support questions to backline technical staff.  
Multiple staff will be monitoring the mailbox.

        name: ORIE320 Support
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: orie320
        project: Central email adress for registered students to get support on 
HWs and other course issues.

        name: Central Admin Tech Support
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: cats
        project: For submitting support requests.

        name: MAE Adminstrative Support Staff
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: maeadminsupport
        project: So that the Adminstrative Support Staff can send out emails 
and reserve emails as a group 

        name: Black Women's Support Network
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: bwsn
        project: For all emails regarding BWSN business.

        name: Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System Support
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: cncps
        project: This address is for support and assistance relating to the 
Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System, a ruminant nutrition model of the 
Cornell Animal Science Department.

        name: Central Administration Tech Support
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: oit-techs
        project: For submitting support requests

        name: Vet IT Support
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: vetitsupp
        project: Mailbox for Vet IT support requests for Vet Computing.

        name: Statistical Sciences Computer Support
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: stats_comp_suppt
        project: To be used by students, staff, faculty to formally request 
computer support within the department.

        name: Off-Campus Housing Listing System Support
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: och_tech_support
        project: Off-Campus Housing Listing System Support

        name: Gannettt IT Support
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: 46000
        project: Gannett IT Support

        name: EZ-Backup backline support
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: ezbbackline
        project: Communications from CSM and RT to EZ-Backup backline support 

        name: Listmanager Backline Support
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: listmgr-backline
        project: Backline support for e-list service

        name: Position Web Service Tech Support
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: position-ws-support
        project: Used to report problems and issues with the Position Web 

        name: Facilities Services Computer and Network Support
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: fscns
        project: General catch all for Facilities Services Comput support 
related email.

Here are the entries which match 'events'
        name: Johnson Art Museum Special Events
        callsign: events_museum
        project: Email for special events at the art museum

        name: CU Police Events Approval
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: cupolice_events
        campus_phone: 607-255-7304
        campus_address: Barton 
        project: All university event approvals.

        name: Book Events at Cornell
        callsign: bookevents
        project: E-mail regarding all book events, such as readings, signings, 

        name: CCE of Cayuga County Solid Waste Collection Events
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: solidwaste
        project: This mailbox is used to obtain reservations from the public 
for solid waste collections events sponsored by Cornell Cooperative Extension 
of Cayuga County.

Here are the entries which match 'email'
        name: Cornell email listmgr Adminstrator

        name: Email Administrator
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: email_admin
        project: Email admin use

        name: Email Feedback
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: email-feedback
        project: To receive feedback about email issues.

        name: Building Care BioTech Email
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: bcbiotech
        project: For Cornell faculty/staff/students that are located in the 
BioTech facility to send email to 1 mailbox for Custodial purposes.

        name: Building Care ST Olin Email
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: bcst-olin
        project: For Cornell faculty/staff/students that are located in the ST 
Olin facility to send email to 1 mailbox for Custodial purposes.

        name: Building Care Stimson Hall Email
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: bcstimson
        project: For Cornell faculty/staff/students that are located in the 
Stimson Hall facility to send email to 1 mailbox for Custodial purposes.

        name: Building Care Sibley Hall Email
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: bcsibley
        project: For Cornell faculty/staff/students that are located in the 
Sibley Hall facility to send email to 1 mailbox for Custodial purposes.

        name: Building Care Myron Taylor Email
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: bcmyron
        project: For Cornell faculty/staff/students that are located in the 
Myron Taylor facility to send email to 1 mailbox for Custodial purposes.

        name: Building Care Rhodes Hall Email
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: bcrhodes
        project: For Cornell faculty/staff/students that are located in the 
Rhodes Hall facility to send email to 1 mailbox for Custodial purposes.

        name: Building Care Bradfield Email
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: bcbradfield
        project: For Cornell faculty/staff/students in the Bradfield Hall 
facility send email to 1 mailbox for Custodial purposes.

        name: Building Care Kennedy Complex Email
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: bckennedy
        project: For Cornell faculty/staff/students in the Kennedy facility 
send email to 1 mailbox for Custodial purposes.

        name: Building Care Barton Hall Email
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: bcbarton
        project: For Cornell faculty/staff/students in the Barton Hall facility 
send email to 1 mailbox for Custodial purposes.

        name: Building Care Martha Van Rensselaer Email
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: bcmvr
        project: For Cornell faculty/staff/students in the Martha Van 
Rensselaer Hall facility to send email to 1 mailbox for Custodial purposes.

        name: Building Care Veternary School Email
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: bcvet
        project: For Cornell faculty/staff/students in the Veternary School 
facility to send email to 1 mailbox for Custodial purposes.

        name: Building Care Surge 3 Email
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: bcsurge3
        project: For Cornell faculty/staff/students in the Surge 3 facility to 
send email to 1 mailbox for Custodial purposes.

        name: Building Care Uris Hall Email
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: bcuris
        project: For Uris Hall Building Coordinators and other faculty and 
staff to contact Building Care staff responsible for that area in one place.

Here are the entries which match 'information'
        name: Food Science at Cornell University Information
        callsign: foodscience
        project: Food Science information for prospective students

        name: Applied and Engineering Physics Information
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: aep_info
        project: Published address for application and information requests.

        name: Thesis & Dissertation Information
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: thesis
        project: address for dissertation and dissertation questions

        name: Cornell University Press Information
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: cupressinfo
        project: press information

        name: Information Technology Policies
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: it-policies
        project: For user feedback regarding computing rights & 
responsibilities web page

        name: Telephone Directory Listings Information
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        nickname: Staff Directory
        callsign: phone-dir
        project: A place for members of the Cornell community to bring 
questions about their telephone directory listings.

        name: Engineering Information Update
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        nickname: Info.Update
        callsign: engr_info_update
        campus_phone: 607-255-6095
        campus_address: 258 Carpenter Hall
        project: Email for electronic newsletter

        name: Human Resources Information Systems
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        nickname: hris_records
        callsign: hris_records
        campus_phone: 607-255-7627
        campus_address: 222 Day Hall
        project: Email for updates for Employee Essentials during database 

        name: Engineering Information for Corporations
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        nickname: ocfr
        callsign: engr_corpinfo
        campus_phone: 607-255-6135 607-255-2770
        campus_address: 254 Carpenter Hall
        project: Email for university department

        name: Engineering General Information
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        nickname: Engineering
        callsign: engr_generalinfo
        campus_phone: 607-255-6095
        campus_address: 258 Carpenter Hall
        project: Email for engineering information

        name: Cornell University Press Permissions Information
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: cupress-perms
        campus_phone: 607-277-2338
        campus_address: Sage House
        project: Permissions Requests for Cornell University Press.

        name: Office of Information Technologies
        callsign: oit_special
        project: Email for OIT special projects

        name: C.U. Press Sub-Rights Information
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: cup-subrights
        project: Information about sub-rights for CU Press books

        name: Office of the Dean of Computing and Information
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        nickname: cis dean
        callsign: cis-dean
        project: Office Email

        name: Information Services Acknowledgement Letters
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: presletter
        campus_phone: 607-254-7134
        campus_address: 55 Brown Road
        project: Email for president letter process

        name: Information Technologies Special Bulletins
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: itbulletin
        project: Announcements of late-breaking IT news and information

        name: Information Technology Solutions
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: solutions
        project: Office Email

        name: Engineering Alumni Information
        callsign: engr_alumni

        name: ILR Press Information
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: ilrpressinfo
        project: E-mail for ILR Press

        name: Cooperative Extension Information Technology
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: cce-its
        project: Office e-mail

        name: Information and Referral Center
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        nickname: CIVR
        callsign: info
        campus_phone: 607-254-INFO 607-254-4636 607-255-2000
        campus_address: Lobby Day Hall

        name: IMGS Registration & Information 
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: imgs
        project: Receipt of applications for the Immunology Meeting for 
Graduate Students, held September 28-30, 2001

        name: Faculty Advisory Board on Information Technologies
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

        name: Cornell University Geographic Information Systems List
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

        name: ILR Graduate Information
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: ilrgradapplicant

        name: Music Department Information
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: musicinfo

        name: Cornell University Press Publicity Information
        callsign: cupresspublicity
        project: Information about publicity for Cornell University Press books

        name: Cornell Coop Extension News and Information Service
        callsign: cce_news_service
        project: Email for university department

        name: Information Technology Training
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: it-training
        project: replacing cit_training-mailbox.  Training registration forms 

        name: Copyright Information Clearance at Cornell
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: copyright
        project: Cornell-wide copyright information clearance

        name: Administration Facilities and Finance Workforce Planning for 
Information Technologies
        callsign: aff-wfp-it
        project: AFF IT Work Force Planning

        name: Cornell Lunatic Information
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        nickname: The Lunatic
        callsign: luninfo
        project: To find out about the Cornell Lunatic - email us here!!

        name: EHS Information Technologies
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: ehs_it
        project: To receive requests for service for EH&S computer support.

        name: Cornell Institute for Resource Information Systems (IRIS)
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: cornell-iris
        project: To receive and distribute communications related to the 
operations of the Institute for Resource Information Systems (IRIS).

        name: Cornell Club Information
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: cornellclubinformation
        project: For the emailing and receiving of bulk club emails.

        name: MPS Statistics Information
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: mpsstatsinfo
        project: For prospective students requesting admissions information.

        name: Hazing Information
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: hazing
        project: To provide information to visitors of hazing.cornell.edu.

        name: Voter Registration information
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: voter_registration
        project: questions and comments about voter registration

        name: Workshop Registration Information
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        nickname: registration database
        callsign: workshop-info
        project: Point of contact for questions or comments about the online 
registration database located at http://register.cit cornell.edu:8000

        name: AAD Information Services
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: info-services
        project: To receive comments and questions regarding Information 
Services products and procedures.

        name: Willard Straight Hall Information
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: wsh_info
        project: The purpose of this email is to field requests from the 
Cornell community and beyond about Willard Straight Hall facilities, services 
and events. 

        name: EAS Information
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: easinfo
        project: General email information address for the Department of Earth 
and Atmospheric Sciences. We would prefer not having "-mailbox" as part of the 
published address, i.e. would prefer the address to be [EMAIL PROTECTED]

        name: Inst. for Resource Information Sciences
        send_email_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        callsign: iris
        project: shorter, more convenient name to replace one already in use:
        project: "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

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