[re-adding the list]
On 3/6/25 15:32, G. K. wrote:
hi bernhard voelker/berny,
an explanation in connection with the "cut" program for displaying the files in
the current directory, I had to
specifically exclude that in your answer.
you said that the problem could be the quotation marks that are missing for the
echo, I had commented out this
instruction completely.
the listing of files in the workdir remained.
for testing with the c14 program.
the "cut" command is solely for the variable as an array via the "for" loop and
is re-instructed each time with the counter.
declare -a local svn='' echo -n '------*' > 1234567 for i in `seq 7` do
svn[$i]=`cut -b$i 1234567` # # echo ${svn[$i]} done
This one is messed up. I don't know what email program you are using, but that
effectively kills proper syntax. Please fix this.
This is probably what it should look like:
$ cat x
declare -a local svn=''
echo -n '------*' > 1234567
for i in `seq 7`
svn[$i]=`cut -b$i 1234567`
# # echo ${svn[$i]}
Now, let's run it with the debug flag -x:
$ bash -x ./x
+ declare -a local svn=
+ echo -n '------*'
++ seq 7
+ for i in `seq 7`
++ cut -b1 1234567
+ svn[$i]=-
+ for i in `seq 7`
++ cut -b2 1234567
+ svn[$i]=-
+ for i in `seq 7`
++ cut -b3 1234567
+ svn[$i]=-
+ for i in `seq 7`
++ cut -b4 1234567
+ svn[$i]=-
+ for i in `seq 7`
++ cut -b5 1234567
+ svn[$i]=-
+ for i in `seq 7`
++ cut -b6 1234567
+ svn[$i]=-
+ for i in `seq 7`
++ cut -b7 1234567
+ svn[$i]='*'
In the last line, we see the proof that the output of 'cut -b7' is a literal
which then gets assigned to the svn array element.
If you un-comment the echo, then you'll see that the shell will expand the
unquoted * to all
files in the current directory and pass it to echo which in turn outputs their
++ cut -b7 1234567
+ svn[$i]='*'
+ echo 1234567 fileA fileB fileC x
1234567 fileA fileB fileC x
With proper quoting ...
echo "${svn[$i]}"
... it would instead output a literal '*' again.
++ cut -b7 1234567
+ svn[$i]='*'
+ echo '*'
in general, no error can be seen in all the help and examples relating to
variables and their arrays.
the contents of a new file are inserted using the "echo" program.
an asterisk is the last character of seven.
in the sequenced "for" loop, "cut" is added to the index with the sequence
statement as a counter for the byte in the
array of the variable.
from this perspective, there is no asterisk or list of files in index seven of the array
of the variable. the "cut"
program generates the display itself and takes over. this confirms that the
variable is empty with an output via the
array index.
no, see above.
the program command as an instruction in the input prompt
with "cut -b7 1234567" displays the asterisk from the file '1234567' without
any problems.
the error that I believe can be identified can only be seen between the two, that of
executing "cut" within the indexed
array variable and in the entry for this.
what is wrong with the fact that an entire work directory and all the files in
it are listed with an asterisk when
reading the file?
in comparison, shell instructions and programs like "ls" are necessary. that is
more like foreign and suspicious to me.
then have a nice day
Again, this is no issue with any of the GNU coreutils, and I'd say not even an
with the shell being used, but simply a misunderstanding on how quoting has to
used in shell syntax.
Have a nice day,