* Paul Eggert <egg...@cs.ucla.edu> [250219 21:47]:
> On 2/19/25 09:41, Arsen Arsenović wrote:
> > they (gdm) are a user and they have a session.
> > Adding additional filtration can only confuse admins who compare 'who'
> > and other tools.
> It is exactly that confusion that I'm trying to prevent.
> The man page for "who" says "who - show who is logged on", but gdm is not
> logged on.
> The POSIX spec for "who" says that "who" optionally reports the login time,
> but there is no login time here because nobody has logged in. The POSIX spec
> also says that "who -l" should list only lines where the system is waiting
> for someone to login - which is what's happening with the gdm display - and
> yet who with libsystemd doesn't do that.
> It's a stretch to say that gdm is a "user" in the sense that most people
> understand "who". By default, "who" is supposed to list users who have
> logged in, not random UIDs like daemon or systemd-resolve or gdm that cannot
> log in.

I don't really know my way around the sd-logind API, but it looks
like filtering on the session class (returned by sd_session_get_class)
might be fruitful.

pam_systemd(8) has an explanation on the classes.

I would probably filter out these: greeter, lock-screen, manager,
manager-early. Looking at the "pam_issue" implementation, it only
counts sessions with a class matching user* as logged in users.


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