All I know is in Chinese the months and days are like 一月一日 (1/1) 二月二日 (2/2) and date(1) will allow me to print 一月 but not 一日 二月 but not 二日 probably because date allows two versions for months 1 or January 2 or February but not days, because in English none is needed. But that's not the case for Chinese.
>>>>> "PE" == Paul Eggert <> writes: PE> Sorry, I don't understand the bug report. Are you asking for a new PE> feature, or are you saying that currently GNU 'date' outputs incorrect PE> strings for %A and/or %B? If the former, what new feature exactly? And Yes the former. But you need a linguistics expert to confirm what I'm saying. PE> if the latter, what is the correct output?