Hi folks,
I now appear to have the issue that the Cygwin emulated "root" is not being
detected and handled properly, so during tests, chgrp/chown/chmod
--preserve-root is being ignored, also presumably rm!, tests are taking forever,
and all my account and CI system mount points are being trashed by the tests,
and build/gt-preserve-root.sh.XKPb/out is over 1GB!
I need to understand whether any access to "root" is just warned and skipped, or
the command is terminated with prejudice, as I would expect.
The info docs section "Treating ‘/’ specially" appears to be ambiguous about the
ch??? commands, except that they default to --no-preserve-root whereas the man
pages say "fail to operate recursively on ’/’", as I would expect.
I know that I will have to handle the "root" issue, but advice on how the
commands are conceptually expected to deal with "root" and --preserve-root would
be useful, and any gotchas on other systems, before I dig into then hack at the
Cygwin would probably want to default these ch??? commands to --preserve-root
like rm, and also require -f, --force --no-preserve-root to override, but ch???
redefine -f to --silent, --quiet, so would have to mandate the long --force
option with --preserve-root, and also change the docs!
Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis Calgary, Alberta, Canada
La perfection est atteinte Perfection is achieved
non pas lorsqu'il n'y a plus rien à ajouter not when there is no more to add
mais lorsqu'il n'y a plus rien à retirer but when there is no more to cut
-- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry